September 2020 BOD draft Minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
SEPT 28, 2020
DRAFT Minutes

The September 2020 BOD meeting was called to order (virtually) by the President at 7:35 pm via
Zoom technology. Seven board members and the TMGA representative were present; no other
Association members attended
August Minutes: The DRAFT August minutes were approved with one typographical
2020 Audit Engagement Letter: The President, Treasurer, and TMGA Representative met with
the auditor via Zoom and resolved all questions related to the 2018 and the 2019 Income Tax
refunds and the details of tax implications of SHA monies. A motion was made and approved to
engage current the audit firm for 2020 and 2021.
FY 2021 DRAFT Budget: Treasurer had earlier electronically presented the BOD with a Draft
Operating Fund budget for FY2021 based upon two assumptions:
• An FY 2021 Assessment of $360.00, representing a slightly less than 5% increase over
the approved 2020 Assessment of $343.00.
• A one-time rebate of $15.00 for all Association members.
• A one-time rebate of $10.00 to those members giving written approval to send them
official Association via email.
After extensive discussion about the wisdom of continuing what has been a long-standing BOD
approach of increasing the Annual Assessment and then approving a rebate to lower the amount
collected, a motion was passed by a vote of 6 to 1 with Mr. Jordan voting in the negative.
FY 2021 Assessment Adjustment: Re. the $10.00 one-time rebate listed above, the president
will provide details of the rebate to homeowners via his private email list:
• The purpose of the rebate is to encourage homeowners to submit authorization for the
BOD and TMGA to provide legally required notifications to homeowners via email
(electronic transmission)
• Such authorization will provide substantial savings to the HOA by avoiding US Mail
postage and handling charges otherwise incurred.
• The rebate will apply to homeowners with approved/completed authorizations returned
and received by Sunday, November 15, 2020. The rebate will be included in the invoices
to be emailed to Approved homeowners in December and due January 1 2021.
Authorizations received after November 15 will be considered for rebate in the 2022
Maintenance Items:
• No further response to storm drain collar work order request which remains open.
• Bench for Oskaloosa placement: Delivery Scheduled to John Redmon’s address, but has
not yet arrived.
• Degree of tilt of retaining wall on CA-9 has not changed significantly in the past six
months. The loose capstone on that wall has been replaced.
• CA-9 pine tree about which abutter expressed concern now shows increasing needlebrowning; however, it is tilted away (not towards) the abutter’s property. Environs
Committee will continue to monitor.
Driveway Storage: Problem remains. BOD Voted to ask TMGA to notify the owner that their
tenant is storing an inventory of commercial HVAC equipment in their driveway and front porch
and to have it removed.
Architectural Review Committee Issues: The BOD agreed that the homeowner notifying the
ARC of their intention to build a shed on the rear of their property should have received
notification explaining that the BOD had no generic objections to such a shed, it was the owner’s
responsibility to meet all County requirements and to obtain any needed County permits.
Mr. Jordan (an ARC member) explained that confusion regarding ARC notifications sometime
arise when requested modifications appear to conflict with published “guidelines.” Since the
Association does not have the legal authority to enforce architectural standards (see legal opinion
provided by outside counsel in 2009), no such current “guidelines” should be in circulation. Mr.
Jordan will provide BOD members a copy of the “guidelines” contributing to confusion and
TMGA will place this issue on the Agenda for the October BOD Meeting.
New Residents: No new settlements documents received by TMGA.
New Association Website: The President requested suggestions from BOD members to
improve the new website he has been creating.
Financial Report: The Treasurer explained that the September reported financials were
rendered difficult to use by incorporation of recent auditor decisions into FY 2020 documents
rather than 2019 documents; he is working with TMGA representatives to alleviate the
County Certification of BOD Members. The President requested that all members complete
the CCOC on-line course for HOA BOD members.
Halloween: The BOD unanimously agreed to take no “official position” on how individual
neighborhood residents should deal with Trick-or-Treating during this Covid pandemic.
Adjournment: At 9:20 pm a motion was made and approved to adjourn with the October
meeting scheduled as a ZOOM meeting (TMGA will arrange) at 7:30 pm 26 October 2020.
Respectfully submitted
Barry Wolcott, Secretary