may 2020 final bod minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
May 25, 2020
FINAL Minutes

The teleconferenced meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) was called to order at 7:30
pm by the President; five members were in attendance via Zoom. Absent were Mr. Jordan
and Mr. Hilliard and the TMGA Representative, Stephon Collins.
April Board Meeting Minutes: The draft March minutes were accepted after correction
of two typographical errors.
E-Vote: No E-Votes have taken place during the time since the April Meeting.
Common Area Issues:
• Discussion of a proposal to rebuild the retaining wall along the asphalt
pathway on CA 9 was deferred to the June BOD Meeting.
• After discussion, the BOD approved a motion to contract with J+J
Construction to add an additional layer of 6×6 pre-treated timbers to the
perimeter wall of the Tot Lot at a cost of $740.00; this added height will
reduce the flow of surface water through the Tot Lot area and reduce loss of
safety wood shavings beneath the equipment. The BOD President will discuss
cost sharing with HOA-South. Mr. Redmon recused himself from the
discussion and voting. The project will be paid from the 1080 Reserve fund
and charged to 9921 Reserve Funds Expenditures.
• After discussion, the BOD approved a motion to contract with J+J
Construction to construct a 6-9 inch deep and 48 inch wide swale uphill from
the Tot Lot to divert into the concrete drainage canal surface water that now
runs from CA-6 into the Tot Lot; this diversion will reduce the flow of surface
water through the Tot Lot area and reduce loss of safety wood shavings
beneath the equipment. The BOD President will discuss cost sharing with
HOA-South. Mr. Redmon recused himself from the discussion and voting.
The project will be paid from the 1055 SHA Fund and charged to 7903 SHA
• After discussion, the BOD approved a self-help project to repair the turf
disruptions on CA-8 that resulted from removal of recently wind-damaged
trees. The costs of the work will be shared with an adjacent homeowner where
the damage involves both Association and private property; the Association’s
share of the costs will be between 50% and 75% as dxetermined by the
Chairman of the Environs Committee. Total costs will not exceed $1,000.00.
Mr. Krakower recused himself from the discussion and voting. The project
will be paid from the 1025 Operating Fund and charged to 9921 Reserve Fund
Membership Mailing Regarding Annual Meeting: The President reported that the
mailing approved at the April meeting and presented to TMGA the next day for
reproduction and mailing had not yet been mailed out and that TMGA had not so notified
the BOD until approximately 22 May. The BOD directed the President to convey to

TMGA its displeasure at the lack of action on this important mailing and its further
displeasure at the lack of any notification that TMGA would not be able to execute the
instructions given to it by the BOD during the April BOD Meeting. After discussion, the
BOD directed the BOD President to cancel the mailing if it cannot go in the mail prior to
29 May.
June 2020 BOD Meeting: This meeting will be conducted by Zoom and will welcome
attendance by all interested members of the Association. It will include the reports
normally presented at the Annual meeting by the President, Treasurer, and Environs
Committee Chairman; copies of these reports will also be available on the Website
following the June Meeting.
Absentee Ballot/Proxy Materials for July Annual Meeting: With his permission, the
BOD agreed to add Mr. Art Rawson as a candidate for election to the BOD. The BOD
will review the attached draft Absentee Ballot/Proxy at the June BOD meeting and
determine at that time the exact format for the 2020 Annual Meeting. The BOD will
review the attached draft of the Absentee Ballot/Proxy at the June BOD meeting and
determine at that time the exact format for the 2020 Annual Meeting.
Adjournment: At 8:30 pm, a motion was made and passed to adjourn with the next
meeting to be held at 7:30 pm Monday, 22 June 2020 at a location or via a
teleconferencing methodology to be determined by the BOD President.

Barry Wolcott
