march 2020 final bod minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
March 23, 2020
FINAL Minutes
The teleconferenced meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) was called to order at 7:40 pm by
the President; six members were in attendance via Zoom as was the representative of TMGA.
Absent was Mr. Hilliard.
February Board Meeting Minutes: The draft February minutes with corrections offered by Mr.
Palmer, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Krakower and Mr. Harsanyi were accepted without change.
E-Vote: No E-Votes have taken place during the time since the February Meeting.
Long-Term Storage of Official Association Documents: The BOD voted to have TMGA
retrieve from long term storage two boxes labelled “1989” and the two boxes labelled “1991” as
soon as practicable, for review by BOD officers and their recommendations to BOD regarding
any need for further storage.
SHA Request for Access Across Common Areas: The President reported no response to his
reply to the SHA letter requesting access across HOA property for workers exploring streams
“beyond” the Oskaloosa berm.
Sidewalk Repairs: Mr. Palmer reported that the County had finished the repairs to the
Oskaloosa sidewalks and that the workorder requesting those repairs could be considered
2020 Annual Meeting: Cognizant of the ongoing need for social distancing, The BOD
unanimously approved the following three motions:  That, as authorized by the Association Bylaws, the date of the annual meeting be changed
to 27 July 2020, which is 15 months from the date of the 2019 Annual meeting.  That the terms of the three BOD members due to expire in April be extended until
elections at a rescheduled 2020 Annual meeting.  That the BOD officer positions remain unchanged until the first BOD Meeting following
the 2020 Annual meeting.
2020 Annual Assessment Collections: The President reported that the Annual Assessments of
four members remained unpaid, and he is working with TMGA to send the Lien Warnings to
these members.
Write-off of Late Fee: Noting that a late fee of $20.00 from 2019 had not been paid when a
property sold at foreclosure cleared closing, the BOD voted to write-off that debt as
Surveillance Cameras: Upon advice of TMGA, the BOD agreed to not consider further the
recommendation of a homeowners that surveillance cameras be placed at roads entering the

Treasurer: The Treasurer asked that BOD members respond to his circulated draft document
showing major non-contractual service expenses anticipated in 2020.
Adjournment: At 8:30 pm, a motion was made and passed to adjourn with the next meeting to
be held at 7:30 pm Monday, 27 April 2020 at a location or via a teleconferencing methodology to
be determined by the BOD President.
Barry Wolcott