June 2020 final BOD minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
June 22, 2020
FINAL Minutes
The teleconferenced meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) was called to order at 7:30
pm by the President; six members were in attendance via Zoom as was the TMGA
Representative, Stephon Collins. Mr. Hilliard was absent. Despite mailed and emailed
invitations that included login instructions, no other Association members attended the
Zoom meeting.
May Board Meeting Minutes: The draft May minutes were accepted unanimously.
E-Votes: The BOD unanimously confirmed two e-votes taken since the May BOD
Meeting approving contracting for dead tree removal from CA-8 and assistance in
reseeding an area in CA-2
Common Area Issues:  Discussion of a proposal to rebuild the retaining wall along the asphalt
pathway on CA 9 was deferred to the July BOD Meeting.  After discussion, the BOD approved a motion to contract with J+J
Construction to construct a cement pad with surface red brick veneer next to
the sidewalk at the end of CA-4 and to install on it a backless six-foot bench
to be ordered by TMGA. Total cost will not exceed $2,500.00. The project
will be paid from the 1055 SHA Fund and charged to 7903 SHA
Expenditures.  Common Area-13 sink hole: No interim activity by County noted.  The repairs to CA-2 grass necessitated by removal of several trees have been
completed, and planted grass is sprouting.  CA-8:
o Three dead pines removed, resulting debris appropriately removed,
and stump removal scheduled.
o Swale construction on high side of Tot Lot and along edges of
pathway by the benches completed, and planted grass starting to
appear.  Environs Committee will submit a work order to the County to repair the
metal apron on the uphill end of the concrete surface water management ditch
on CA-10.  Stolberg has agreed to replace the handful of dead/dying new trees planted last
year on CA-12.
Membership Mailing Regarding Annual Meeting: The BOD, noting the lack of
additional nominees for the three BOD positions about to expire confirmed the
nomination for inclusion on the ballot of the previously nominated Mr. John Redmon,
Mr. Gary Palmer, and Mr. Art Rawson. As no additional nominations had been made
when the ballot “closed” at this meeting to which all Association members had been
invited to attend and to propose additional nominees, the BOD recognized that, IAW

Association bylaws, these three members constitute the only nominees eligible for
Officer Activities Report for 2019-20: In the absence of additional members in
attendance, the BOD voted unanimously to waive oral presentation of the reports by the
President, the Treasurer, and the Chairman of the Environs Committee that normally
would have been presented orally at the Annual Meeting, to make these three reports a
part of the formal record of this meeting and to post them to the Association website.
July 2020 BOD Meeting: This meeting will be conducted by Zoom.
Adjournment: At 8:30 pm, a motion was made and passed to adjourn with the next
meeting to be held at 7:30 pm Monday, 27 July 2020 via a teleconferencing methodology
to be made available to the Association membership.
Barry Wolcott