january 2020 Final BOD minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
January 27, 2020
FINAL Minutes
The meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) was called to order at 7:30 pm by the Vice
President at the home of Mr. Jordan. Five members were in attendance as was the representative
of TMGA. Absent were Mr. Hilliard and Mr. Harsanyi.
November 2019 Board Meeting Minutes: The draft November minutes were accepted without
December 2019 Board Meeting Minutes: There was no December 2019 Board Meeting.
E-Vote: No E-Votes have taken place during the time since the November Meeting.
Long-Term Storage of Official Association Documents: The Association currently spends
approximately $750.00 per year for secure storage of paper historical records. The BOD
requested that TMGA preview the documents actually stored, the applicable legal/fiduciary
requirements governing their retention and provide an e-mail to BOD members
recommendations intended to minimize unnecessary storage and related charges.
Changing Methods of Written BOD Communication with Association Membership. The
BOD considered summary material information provided by TMGA indicating alternative
methods allowed by Maryland Statute to communicate official Association information. After
discussion, the BOD unanimously decided the following regarding:
• Draft Budget: The draft budget will be posted on the Association website; each
Association member will be mailed a postcard alerting them that the draft is available on
the website and inviting their comments to the BOD; each Association member for whom
an e-mail address is available will be sent an e-copy of the draft budget document and
inviting their comments to the BOD;
• Final Budget: A copy of the BOD-Approved final budget will accompany the mailing to
each Association member of their individual Annual Assessment invoice.
• Annual Meeting First Announcement: Each Association member will be mailed a
postcard announcing the date, location, and time of the Annual meeting, alerting the
member that additional information is available on the Association website, and
requesting nominations for vacant BOD positions; the same message will be e-mailed to
each Association member for whom an e-mail address is available.
• Annual Meeting Formal Call (Agenda): At least four weeks prior to the Annual Meeting,
each Association member will be mailed a postcard reminding them of the date, location,
and time of the Annual meeting and announcing that a copy of the formal call and agenda
items is available on the Association website; the same message will be e-mailed to each
Association member for whom an e-mail address is available.
• Voting at the Annual Meeting: After discussion, the BOD elected to make no changes at
this time in those procedures and to continue to rely on conventional mailings. The BOD
will continue to discuss this issue.

2020 Annual Assessment Collections: TMGA Representative reported that 58 Association
members had not been credited as paying the 2020 Assessment as of 27 January 2020. The BOD
deferred action pending a review by the President.
Environs Committee Report:
• Dr. Wolcott reported:
o Regarding 5-year Tree Plan: Completion of the FY 2018, 2019, and 2020
elements of the 5-year Tree Plan at an actual total cost of $43,264.37; this figure
is approximately 15% below the original estimates presented to the BOD for this
work. A summary of the actual work performed is attached.
o Regarding other Common Area improvements: Completion during FY2018, 2019,
and the first month of 2020, of multiple improvements to the Common Areas
unrelated to the 5-year Tree Plan at a total cost of $19,047.34 paid from the SHA
account. A summary of the actual work performed is attached.
o Recommendation for professional turf management on CA-1: As it appears no
further remediation work is likely on CA-1 by responsible outside agencies, the
Environs Committee recommends contracting with Stolberg for weed control
treatment, aeration, and re-seeding of CA-1 in the Spring of 2020 and additional
weed control treatment in the Fall of 2020 at a total cost of $1,950.00 to be
charged against the SHA fund. A motion to this effect was made and unanimously
o Recommendation for professional turf management on CA-8: As previously
reported, the turf management project on CA-8 started in the fall of 2019 will
require a second round of weed control this spring at a cost of $2,400.00 to be
paid for from 09610 (Lawn Contract). A motion to this effect was made and
unanimously passed.
• Mr. Palmer reported on multiple Common Area maintenance items that will require
attention during FY 2020:
o Cement sidewalk “heaving:” The County has ground down most of the places
where such heaving created a danger to pedestrians; some larger ones have been
marked for further action (probably asphalt patching).
o Tire tracks on CA-8: These resulted from a SWAT Police response to an issue in
a nearby residence. Repairs will be done in the Spring in consultation with the
lawn contractor.
o Edging of asphalt pathways: The lawn contractor has not yet completed this work
but has assured the Environs Committee that it will be completed “soon.”
o Re-sealing of the asphalt pathways: It is likely this will be required during
FY2020 and would be paid for from the Reserve Fund. Necessary BOD approval
will be sought in advance of the work.
o Add-ons to current lawn contractor scope of work: The Environs Committee will
negotiate adding the following to the “routine task list” of the lawn contractor:
 Replacing rocks in the CA-8 “rock river” that become dislodged by heavy
water flow.
 Weed control in the CA-8 “rock river.”
 Removal of debris clogging the CA-4 overflow drain.

o Monitoring status of newly planted trees: So far, all the recently planted trees and
shrubs seem to be doing well.
o Water-proofing treatment of Tot-Lot timbers: This work will be done by members
of the Environs Committee once warmer weather is the norm.
o Monitoring backstop subsidence: The reason that one vertical support is gradually
dropping into the ground is not known. It may become necessary to repair this
o Tot Lot safety chips: These seem to have become significantly compacted. The
environs Committee will request a quote from Stolberg to have the chips “rototilled” to de-compact them.
o Maintenance of the Rain Garden on CA-2: The ongoing overgrowth of weeds
presents a significant short and long-term maintenance problem. The Environs
Committee is seeking a source of professional advice as to how to balance
esthetics and maintenance costs and will report back to the BOD.
o Placing a bench and pad next to the sidewalk near CA-4: The Environs
Committee recommends placing a bench similar to those serving other Common
Areas next to CA-4 with the costs to be paid from the SHA funds; the Committee
will obtain cost estimates, and report back to the BOD.
Reserve Fund: Mr. Jordan continues to work with the Treasurer and TMGA to arrive at a
mutually acceptable methodology of displaying this account on a monthly basis.
Annual Meeting: The BOD unanimously approved scheduling the 2020 Annual Meeting for
Monday, 27 April 2020 at 7:30 pm and directed TMGA to reserve College Gardens School for
that slot.
Adjournment: At 9:00 pm, a motion was made and passed to adjourn with the next meeting to
be held at 7:30 pm at Mr. Jordan’s home on Monday, 24 February 2020.

Barry Wolcott