february 2020 final bod minutes

Approved/23 Mar 2020

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
February 24, 2020
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(1) Call to order & attendees: The meeting of the Board was called to order at 7:30 pm by the Vice
President at the home of Mr. Jordan. Present were board members Mr. Harsanyi, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Redmon,
Mr. Krakower and Mr. Jordan; and Mr. Collins (TMGA representative). Absent were Mr. Wolcott and
Mr. Hilliard.
(2) January 2020 Board Meeting Minutes: The draft January minutes were accepted with minor edits.
(3) Annual Meeting: The 2020 annual meeting will take place on 27 April at 7:30 pm, at the College
Gardens Elementary School. In that regard:
• Three Board positions will be up for election (terms of Redmon, Krakower and Hilliard are expiring);
• TMGA will mail out the first notification next week (by 6 March), in the form of a postcard. The
postcard will state the date, place and time of the annual meeting, and direct homeowners to the HOA
website for more meeting details;
• The second notice must be mailed NLT 16 April. Mr. Harsanyi will work with TMGA to develop
the contents of the second notice, and proxy votes. The plan is to allow electronic balloting whereby
homeowners can vote on-line.
• The Board discussed whether or not e-ballots submitted by homeowners can be accepted in
accordance with the by-laws, which call for secret written ballots. The consensus was that e-ballots
will be submitted to TMGA, who can tally the votes confidentiality and present just the results at the
(4) Request from MD DoT State Highway Administration: The SHA has submitted a request seeking
permission to use the HOA common areas for access in order to conduct environmental assessments of
adjacent wetlands and stream restoration sites on the other side of the berm. The Board is requested to
return a signed approval letter within 30 days (i.e., by 12 March).
The Board decided to defer action for now, until Mr. Harsanyi can investigate further.
(5) Environs Committee motion: an e-motion was sent out on 12 Feb 2020 to Board members for an
e-vote, regarding some landscaping work to manage surface water run-off on Common Area 8. However,
not all members responded (unanimous approval by all Board members is required in order to pass).
Therefore, the motion was restated at the meeting as follows:
It is proposed to contract J+J Construction in the amount of $500, to remove about 1 square yard of dirt
from the ends of the two blower beds nearest the pathway to a depth of 18 inches, and replace with rocks
similar to those in the Rock River. The funds are to come from the Operating Fund, and charged to budget
line 09110, General Maintenance & Repair.
The motion was seconded & passed (Mr. Redmon abstained, due to conflict of interest).
(6) Sidewalk repairs: Back in January, Mr. Palmer submitted a work request (#1408182621) to
Montgomery County 311 for repairs of certain sidewalks. He reported that some of the sidewalks have
been fixed, but that the work has not yet been fully completed.

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(7) Board Records and Files: At the January meeting, the Board requested that TMGA investigate ways
to reduce the storage costs of paper records and files. In response, Mr. Collins reported the following:
• There are 58 boxes of HOA records in storage in Iron Mountain, at a charge of $770 per year;
• The charge to retrieve the boxes and deliver them is $25 per box;
• The charge to digitize the records and destroy the paper copies is $50 per box.
• Therefore, the total cost of digitizing the records is $4,350.
The Board discussed whether or not it was cost effective to digitize the files, and decided that the first
step is to see if there is a content listing for the boxes. Mr. Collins will investigate and report back to the
(8) Architectural correspondence: In reviewing the architectural correspondence, it was brought up that
“No objection” letters (to the requesting homeowner) should include a paragraph to the effect that
contractors are not permitted to drive on common areas (for access to the work site) without first obtaining
approval from TMGA, and that the homeowner will be responsible to repairing any damage to the common
area (such as tire ruts, etc).
Mr. Collins will look into getting that language in future response letters.
(9) Other items:
• Mr. Palmer will request that TMGA correct the Balance Sheet-Operating Fund be corrected with
regard to “Due to Reserve Fund-$23,029.37”. This amount is due from the SHA fund to the Reserve
Fund when the SHA May 5 2020 CD expires.
• Mr. Collins will have the Reserve Fund Balance Sheet update to show that only the tot lot equipment
has the asterisk showing that they are shared costs with Derwood Station South HOA.
(10) Financial reports:
It was noted that one of the SHA CDs will be maturing in May, in the amount of approx.. $27,566.15.
These funds will be used to:
• Reimburse the Reserve Fund for $23,029.37 previously borrowed last year
• Reimburse the Operating Fund for $2,000.
(11) Landscaping Report: Mr. Palmer gave a heads-up report on some work that they expect to bring up
for consideration by the Board. This includes two dying trees along the CA8 path near the twin benches
(est. $1,000 per tree) and possible work in CA 2 conservation area with the DEP (est. $500 max.).
(12) Assessment Report: Mr. Harsanyi reported that there are still five homeowners who haven’t paid
their 2020 assessment. The Board decided that he would make one more outreach attempt; if they still
failed to pay, then they will be charged the $20 late fee.
(13) Adjournment:
• The next Board meeting is set for March 23 at the home of Mr. Jordan.
• The meeting adjourned at 9:09 pm.