april 2020 final minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
April 27, 2020
FINAL Minutes
The teleconferenced meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) was called to order at 7:40 pm by
the President; five members were in attendance via Zoom as was the representative of TMGA.
Absent were Mr. Jordan and Mr. Hilliard.
March Board Meeting Minutes: The draft March minutes were accepted without change.
E-Vote: No E-Votes have taken place during the time since the February Meeting.
Common Area Repairs: Mr. Palmer reported that:
• The WSSC had finished the repairs to the turf in CA-4.
• The cap stones on the CA-9 retaining wall have been recemented in place. The BOD
previously approved this expense. ($507.50 09110 General Maintenance and Repairs to be
paid for from Operating Funds checking)
• The drainage improvements in the plant beds next to the two benches on CA-8 have been
completed. The BOD previously approved this expense. ($450 07903 SHA Expense to be
paid from SHA funds checking)
• He expects to receive a proposal for total rebuilding the retaining wall in CA-9 and will
report to the BOD once it is in hand.
Architectural Modification Guidelines: The BOD discussed a homeowner request for
guidelines on replacing siding since aluminum siding is no longer available and vinyl siding
replaced on less than all sides is not likely to match siding on other sides. The BOD will review
current guidelines for appropriate updates.
Emergency Expenditures: The BOD unanimously approved payment of $5,900.00 from
Account GL09010 from Operating Funds for the removal of 3 trees (and their stumps) and
damaged limbs from CA-2 resulting from a “wind event” earlier in the month. The stump holes
will be filled and seeded. Mr. Krakower will donate the wood chips from trees cut on his
property to serve as ground cover in the wooded area at the foot of CA-2.
2020 Annual Meeting:
• Cognizant of the ongoing need for social distancing, The BOD unanimously approved
conducting the 27 July 2020 Annual meeting entirely by mail-in ballot/proxy. The officer
presentations and community forum normally part of the Annual Meeting will occur
during the regular June BOD meeting remotely open to all Association Members via
Zoom. The BOD recognizes that this format is a departure from normal, and that action
by State or County governments could require its modification.
• The BOD unanimously approved a mailing immediately to all Association Members
explaining this plan. Dr. Wolcott will circulate proposed language for this mailing as well
as for the absentee ballot/proxy.
• Three Board positions are expiring this year. Messrs. Palmer and Redmon have
volunteered to be candidates to extend their terms for another two years. Board members
will offer recommendations for filling the third expiring position and will coordinate with
the selected candidate(s).
• TMGA will mail the absentee ballots/proxies the first week in July.
Treasurer: The Treasurer reported that financials had been corrected to reflect that funds will be
transferred from the SHA Account to the General operating Fund and Reserve Fund to repay
“loans” made during a bridge period between SHA funds that were in a CD.
Adjournment: At 8:30 pm, a motion was made and passed to adjourn with the next meeting to
be held at 7:30 pm Monday, 25 May 2020 at a location or via a teleconferencing methodology to
be determined by the BOD President.
Barry Wolcott