july 2020 final bod minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
July 27, 2020
FINAL Minutes
The July BOD Meeting was called to order at 7:54 pm by President Harsanyi via zoom.
Seven BOD members present along with TMGA Representative and 4 Association
Announcement of 2020 Annual Meeting Results:
Quorum: More than 74 absentee ballots/proxies recorded and 2020 Annual Meeting is
Homeowner forum: No comments from Members.
2019 Minutes: Approved
BOD Elections: All three nominees elected.
Adjournment: Approved and 2020 Annual Meeting has been concluded.
Officer positions for 2020-21: Current officers were re-elected for the remainder of the
2020-21 BOD terms.
June Minutes: Approved with minor corrections.
E-Motion to approve pruning on CA-12/13: Motion approved by in person vote.
Tree Montgomery Project: Proposed to plant 12 new and one replacement trees this
summer/fall. Approved unanimously. President to sign and return to Tree Montgomery
the acceptance document they provided to the Association.
Bench Project for Oskaloosa Drive: TMGA reported that we can expect delivery of the
bench within next couple of weeks; Triple J Construction will construct a concrete pad
with brick veneer and mount the backless bench.
Construction underway without notice to Association: XXXX Oskaloosa has a
building permit and a dumpster in the driveway, but possibly without a Notification of
Change form. President will check on it.
Driveway storage of HVAC equipment: TMGA will make observation and report
questionable unlicensed business being operated from the Property at XXXX Oskaloosa
Treasurer Report: No problems and within projections.
Auditor’s Report: TMGA will check to see why the final report has not been submitted;
2019 audit about 50% complete. TMGA reported that 2019 Maryland Personal Property
Tax has no payment due and Federal and State Income Tax return dates have been
extended. TMGA will obtain details of the extension requests and provide them to the
BOD Treasurer and President.
Spring Bulb Planting: Environs committee will work with Art to formulate a plan to
plant additional bulbs near the two bulletin boards, and report at the August BOD
Clarification of Use of Soccer Goals: Two homeowners have reported that a group of
adults have been making regular evening use of the soccer goals on CA-8.
Barry/Gary/Jack will check to see if there is a homeowner participant involved since the
property/equipment is only for HOA residents.
Adjournment: At 8:30 pm a motion was made and approved to adjourn. Next meeting
will be 24 Aug at 7:30 pm; meeting to be conducted via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
Barry Wolcott, Treasurer