August 2020 final bod minutes

Derwood Station Homeowners Association No. 2 Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
August 24, 2020
FINAL Minutes
July Minutes: Approved with correction of two typographical errors.
Draft Annual Meeting Minutes: Approved; will be presented to membership at the next
Annual Meeting
2020 Audit Engagement Letter: Motion made and approved made to defer action to next BOD
Meeting; TMGA will arrange for President, Treasurer, and TMGA Representative to meet with
the auditor via Zoom to resolve questions related to Income Tax refunds and details of tax
implications of SHA monies.
2019 Audit Report: Issue raised as to whether Association should have allowed federal and
state income tax overpayment to “roll forward.”
FY 2020-21 DRAFT Budget: TMGA presented a draft based upon no significant changes in
expenses and on an annual (collected) assessment of $343.00. Treasurer wishes to examine
amount of FY2019-2020 carry-forward and status of Five-Year Tree Plan before providing an
amended draft to the BOD members for discussion at the September BOD Meeting.
Maintenance Items:
• No further response to storm drain collar work order request.
• First phase of street resurfacing of Wapello and Titonka has been accomplished.
• Bench for Oskaloosa placement: Delivery Scheduled to John Redmon’s address for week
of Sept 4.
• Degree of tilt of retaining wall on CA-9 will be remeasured first week in August; loose
capstone will be re-glued.
• CA-9 pine tree about which abutter was concerned remains healthy and is tilted away
(not towards) the abutter’s property. Environs Committee will continue to monitor.
Soccer Goal Usage: Mr. Palmer spoke with the group of adult users, found they were from
HOA-1, informed them that the goals were exclusively for the use of HOA-2 members, and the
group left and have not returned.
Driveway Storage: Dr. Wolcott spoke with residents and informed them of county prohibitions
regarding storing business inventory in driveway of a private home.
Driveway Dumpster: This dumpster has been removed.
New Residents: No new settlements documents received by TMGA.
Financial Report: No issues raised. Treasurer reported that the Reserve Fund Analysis still
contains some typos, and said he is working to get these corrected.
Homeowners’ Directory: Will be removed from Association Handbook and BOD members
will be provided a softcopy upon request. Updates from homeowners will continue to be
Adjournment: Motion made and approved to adjourn with September meeting scheduled as a
ZOOM meeting (TMGA will arrange) at 7:30 pm 28 September 2020.
Respectfully submitted
Barry Wolcott, Secretary